The Swimming Carnival, Cross Country and Athletics – they seem like a memory from a much sunnier world. Now that the weather has turned Antarctic, what do House Activities look like in winter? The competition goes on!
In our winter season, our House Competitions include Chess, General Knowledge, Spelling Bee, Public Speaking, Debating, Rocket League and Battle of the Bands.
On Wednesday morning, our Year 10-12 students attended the senior General Knowledge Competition. Judson and Stanway both won a segment, but the overall winner was Judson. Well done to all competitors – answering random questions in front of an audience of over 300 people is definitely an adrenaline sport!
Next week on Wednesday morning, our Year 7-9 General Knowledge Competition will take place and the fierce, but friendly, competition will be on again between Judson, Taylor, Carey and Stanway.
After the warm weather returns in Term 4, the House competition year finishes with the grand slam event – the Annual Choral Competition for student from Years 7-12. This year’s Choral Competition will be held at Encore Events Centre on the afternoon of Friday, December 1st. Parents, alumni and friends of the College are very welcome, so lock it in your diary now!
House competitions are a fantastic opportunity for students to use their God-given talents in a whole range of different collaborative challenges outside of the classroom environment. Very few of us are good at everything, but with such a wide range of opportunities, everyone has some way they can contribute to their House during the school year.
We learn to value other people’s talents and interests, which might be very different from our own gifting, and learn how to encourage, support, win and lose graciously. House competitions also provide students with friendships from older and younger year levels as they journey with others through their school years.
So – let the games continue!