Heathdale flower 16th February 2023

What a Way to Start!

From the occupancy of our brand-new Year 1-2 Building to welcoming new parents at our Prep Parent Morning Tea, 2023 is off to a wonderful start for Werribee Primary.

Heathdale flower

We are blessed to have had such a good start to the school year!

It was a pleasure to open up the Year 1-2 Building to students and staff for the first time and see the children ease into a slow start in a new environment. They all seem very settled in their routines and classrooms now – and they are certainly loving the new playgrounds!

We were also thrilled to have so many parents coming to the Prep Parent Morning Tea. It is an ideal time to forge new friendships and get to know those in our community.

You will also have seen the portables being moved. It is always fun to have a big crane moving buildings on the weekends! The move is to provide a new home for music and BIG Childcare facility while we invest in Stage 1 of the car park updates. I know everyone is very keen to have the car park plans underway! Thank you for your continued cooperation and patience during these changes.

I am sure that your children are coming home with lots of chatter about their days. As you tuck them in at night, we would love to partner with you in encouraging some prayers. If this is alien to you and you get a little stuck, here are some ideas.

- Pray with your child for their teachers
- Pray with your child for their friends
- Pray that they feel safe and welcomed at the school
- Ask them what is one thing that could make their day better and give it to God.

You don't have to be a theologian to talk to God. Sometimes I think my own prayers are so simple, but I know God hears!

My greatest desire is that we set your children up for success this term so that we can ensure feelings of safety, dignity and belonging are embedded from the beginning. Please, if there is anything we can do to partner with you, you are always welcome to speak to your child's Homeroom Teacher and we will do our best to make sure things are attended to.

I look forward to seeing your little ones flourish and grow this year.