One of the great celebrations we enjoy is Easter as we revisit God’s generous love to us all in sending Jesus into this world. Jesus willingly came to share his life and teach us of the Father. As staff we do pray that every Heathdale family will enjoy this Easter message and celebrate this Jesus who saved us and redeemed his people who believe. In the book of Corinthians, Paul explains to his friends that the message of the Cross doesn’t make any sense to a world that is lost to those who do not want to know of God and don’t seek to understand. But, for those amongst us who try to understand, to those who trust this loving Father of the Bible, and in whom we have seen in the person of Jesus, for those of us who are saved by Christ, it is for those to whom the Cross makes most sense by its awe and beauty. This Easter, I pray that each family will have opportunity to once more think upon the story of the Cross, and may that story help us all to thank God again for His miracle of saving grace through Jesus. Luke 24: 1-8 “…They found the stone rolled away…”
Swimming in 2021
This year, due to local pool venue availability and suitability for large numbers of students, we have needed to adjust our swimming program to only Yr 1&2 attending in Term 4. This important introductory program is designed to build water respect and awareness and develop some basic safety skills in students attending. A short program such as this should not replace an individual swimming program to teach water confidence and agility around water. In such longer term swimming training classes, skilled instructors can teach your child stroke development and individual proficiency. Learning to swim with ease and confidence is recommended for all primary children for many will visit beaches and pools every summer.
For more information regarding local swimming lessons, our PE teachers, Garry Zimmerman and Matthew Hayman will be pleased to direct families to worthwhile swim programs in this area.
We congratulate our students who attended the regional swimming competition at Kardinia in Geelong this week. Our primary team representing our College this week were:
Gavin D
Orlando D
Luke F
Evie F
Amelia F
Molly F
Thomas H
Reeya K
Fearne M
Paige M
Elias M
Lachlan M
Tyler S
Sarah T
Adara T
Gabriel W
Chloe Z
Well done to all for your efforts and team work, as you represented our College so enthusiastically!
Winter Uniform, Term 2
Next term all students are required to wear the winter uniform. Please ensure uniform items are named as we seem to have an ever-growing supply of lost items without names or with names having been washed off labels. Uniforms are costly and the holidays are a good time to teach your child to help check that their name is on their uniform (jumpers, coats, beanies and scarves, etc.) can be located and easily read.
Please ask your child to stop by the primary office before the holidays to collect their lost items.
5 minutes Earlier Start Next Term!
We will be ringing the primary bell 5 minutes earlier from Term 2. The bell will sound at 8.28 for primary student to make their way to line up. The school day will begin at 8.30 in classrooms with a slight internal change to the daily schedule. Times are listed below.
The reason for this alteration is to enable all students to eat their lunch provided inside their classroom. We hope that this 5-minute adjustment will ensure all students eat their lunches before going outside to play. Please see the schedule adjustment below.
8.30- School begins
8.45-10.25- Classes
10.25-10.50 – Recess
10.50 – 12.30- Classes
12.30-12.40 – Inside eating time
12.40 – 1.30 – Outside play
1.30 – 3.10 - Classes
3.10 – End of Primary school day
Thank you to all parents and guardians for your input to your child’s learning program this term. May you enjoy this well-deserved rest with your children and we look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday 19th April.