As I’m writing, we’re halfway through Day 2 of the 2019 Tyndale Exchange and it has been wonderful to see the spirit of friendly rivalry between the two teams. The warm reception that our students extended in yesterday’s assembly was reciprocated both then and later that day on the sports field in the cheers, chants and mutual encouragement between both teams.
This year’s competition has a special significance as it is the 25th exchange between Heathdale and Tyndale. Such a long-standing relationship is a fantastic achievement in and of itself when you consider the huge amount of planning and preparation that occurs every year in order to make it happen, as well as the challenge and expense to parents of billeting students for a week. We owe a great debt of gratitude to those who work so hard to organise the exchange — especially to Mrs. Janet Steane, Mr. Matthew Howard (her Tyndale counterpart) and all of the staff who support them so well.
It is also good to remember that 25 successful exchanges, over 1000 student billets, countless friendships and two marriages are based upon the common values that are held by Heathdale Christian College and Tyndale Christian School, values exemplified in the Exchange Pledge that each team’s Captains take:
On behalf of the students and staff of Tyndale Christian School and Heathdale Christian College, we pledge before God, and the students and staff of Heathdale and Tyndale, that all competitors from Tyndale and Heathdale will strive, with God’s strength and help,
To perform to the best of our God-given abilities
To compete at all times with Christian sportsmanship,
To be good ambassadors for our school
And above all, we will strive, in everything that we say and do, to bring honour to our Lord Jesus Christ.
We look forward to the Exchange continuing to reflect the unity and Godly focus of our Colleges for the next 25 years, and many more.