Spreading the Message of Safety with Victoria Police
Last Thursday we were privileged to have several members of Victoria Police speak with our students about safety issues. Our Year 7 & 8 students were given critical information about online safety and responsibilities online. Our Year 10 & 11 discussed safety in public spaces, including matters concerning assaults and weapons. A number of our students were keen to hear about career opportunities in Victoria Police.
During the break in between sessions, our visitors were able to visit our VCAL Café and enjoy spending time with our students and answering a host of questions about policing and safety.
A big thank you to our friends at Victoria Police for being so generous with their time and sharing their knowledge with our students!
Rest & Recuperation
Everyone looks forward to the holidays, but with the longest semester at school in two years, we are certainly ready for the break. I know many families have been impacted by illness in the last two terms and our students have done a wonderful job of adapting back to campus life and keeping up with their studies despite the interruptions of Covid and the flu season.
A special shout out to our staff who have, like most workplaces in Victoria, been heavily impacted by illness this term but who have managed to keep classes, excursions and camps going regardless. All of our teachers have done many extra lessons for colleagues who were unwell, and this has enabled us to keep all year levels at school despite many other schools having to give students some time learning at home due to staffing shortages. My heartfelt thanks to all our teachers – you’ve been champions!
Reports will be mailed home to families towards the end of the first week of the school holidays and so you should expect to see them in your mailbox prior to the end of the second week. Parents are encouraged to book Parent-Teacher Interviews through our parent portal on the college website. All Secondary interviews will be held in the evening of the Thursday, 21st of July and Tuesday, 26th of July, and will be online via Teams.
Our prayer for all our families is that you have a refreshing and safe break. Please be aware that students will return for Term 3 on July 11th, with the exception of students Year 12 and the Musical who are required for certain activities in the week of the July 4th, during our Staff Professional Development week.