Heathdale flower 18th August 2023

Spotlight on Year 10 Events

From VCE Subject Selection to their recent camp, our Year 10s have had a rich school term so far which has included both preparing for the future and creating new memories in the present.

Heathdale flower

VCE Subject Selection Night

Right now, our Year 10s are in the process of selecting their VCE pathway and subjects for 2024. It’s a big step on their educational journey and one that involves a lot of thinking and talking about their big goals for the future as well as their interests and giftings. At Careers Week earlier in the term, we challenged the Year 10s to think not just about what their future goals can help them to “get” but what they themselves can bring to the world and what they might have to offer to others.

Throughout Year 10, our students have weekly Careers classes to develop their understanding the world of work, careers and pathways. Drawing on their Morrisby vocational testing, their interests and hopes for the future, as well as the presentations they’ve been given on subject selection and VCE options, they are now submitting their list of subjects in order of preference.

From the combined preferences of all the year level, a set of timetable blocks will be created that maximises the choices available to the students. From these timetable bocks, the students will then finalise their six Year 11 subjects for next year. For the vast majority of students, this process will enable us to create a timetable, set up to ensure that they can complete their desired combination of subjects from the 36 different choices available on the Werribee campus.

Thank you to all the students and parents who attended our VCE Information Night on Monday, 7th August, and a big thank you to the VCE teachers who also joined in the fun of the subject fair after the main talk in the auditorium.

Please keep the Year 10s in your prayers as they work through this crucial set of decisions. We hope that the excitement of moving to the next stage of learning helps them to power through the rest of the school year!

Uni Open Days

While we are on the subject of VCE, the uni Open Day season is upon us again! For parents of Year 10 – 12 students, these events provide an opportunity to find out more about courses on offer at various universities and get a feel for what their campus experience might be like.

The Parent Website run by ISV has a great article on how you can get the most out of visiting on Open Days, as well as links to all the upcoming open days in Victoria.

Year 10 Camp

Our Year 10s were a cohort that missed out on a lot of the action and adventure elements of schooling due to Covid. Our August camp provided an opportunity to catch up on their missed camping experience with four days at Camp Coolamatong in Bairnsdale. Canoeing, rope climbing, beach games, night games, combat archery, bush cooking and an outdoor escape room kept us very busy all week long!

The food was very plentiful, the company excellent and the campsite a blast. We came back absolutely wrecked but having had a wonderful time of building memories and strengthening friendships. The theme of the camp was ‘Resilience’ and the camp leaders did a great job of weaving that idea through our various activity challenges and our daily debriefs. We were also challenged to think on the fact that life is hard, but that with Jesus we can face the road ahead.

We wish we could have taken you all with us, but in lieu of that, here are a few photos that capture the fun.