Heathdale flower 24th November 2022

Prayer for our 40th Anniversary Spring Fair

Join us as we pray for our 40th Anniversary Spring Fair this Saturday.

Heathdale flower

Heavenly Father,

We recognise you as the One who is the original community of oneness – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We praise You as the author and enabler of the “common-unity” that we are able to enjoy because of all that You have given to us in Christ Jesus.

Thank You for the blessing of being able to serve and to be served. Thank for the beautiful and diverse tapestry that You are weaving in our community – for the enrichment of ethnicities, the beauty of listening and learning from one another, and for Your continual challenge to grow outside our own narrow perspectives.

Thank You for shared laughter, the enjoyment of food with friends, the fun of shared activities, and the blessing of being involved with one another. We praise You that diversity is by Your design and that our commonality is sourced in being image-bearers of the one true living God. And greater still is the awareness that “Christ suffered for our sins once for all time. He never sinned, but He died for sinners to bring us safely home to God” (1 Peter 3:18).

Our Father, we look forward with great anticipation to our Spring Fair on Saturday. We long for You to be seen for as big as You really are and for the faithful way that you have guided our school community over the past 40 years. We ask that You move upon the hearts of people to come and share in this communal gathering. Give us a day in which Your joy fills our lives. Let the sun shine upon us, reminding us of Your faithful care. Let the rain for which we grateful be held at bay for the day – and give us a little taste of what heaven holds instore, as we come together and enjoy this community.

And Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – we look forward to sharing this day with You. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

If you have any prayer requests, please contact our Pastoral Care team at prayer@heathdale.vic.edu.au.