Last week I walked along what I call ‘main street’ — my pet name for the thoroughfare lined by all our classrooms — and was excited to see the college abuzz with open classrooms. There was an unprecedented number of parents and relatives and a fabulous spread of visitors across all our class and age groups. Every classroom was open for all to see where their children are moving next or where they have come from.
Children were excited to see their families and showed off their work with pride. In the Prep classroom, children wondrously demonstrated their robots moving. In the new music room, the recently-formed worship band played so beautifully after only three practices. The art room was open, and children held up their charcoal and watercolour paintings proudly.
Smiles were everywhere. Now, that’s what I call a learning community where every child is demonstrating and reaching their God-given potential.
Later that day I had two parents come and speak to me about the work that is being done to keep everyone safe in the carpark. They graciously thanked us as a community and applauded the way everyone has worked together in this area. In turn, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents and families who have heeded our pleas to make our community a safe one.
So, I must amend my earlier statement to that’s what I call a safe, learning community where students, staff and parents are all reaching our God-given potential! Some days I feel like I am at Disneyland – the happiest place on earth and this day was one of those days.