Finding our way through the digital world is not easy, no matter if we’re 5, 15… or 50-something. Parents and teachers have an important role to play; not only giving our young people the skills and tools to harness the world of tech, but also nurturing the discernment needed to make wise choices online.
Online safety, and responsible behaviour as a digital citizen, are critical elements of our IT and Health curriculums. However, knowing what you need to do is only half of the battle. Being able to exercise self-control and navigate social pressure online is more than just head knowledge: it requires maturity to develop so a young person knows when and how to apply what they've learnt to complex human interactions.
We can support the development of that understanding in a number of ways:
- Take time to be informed about online safety and responsibility. The Office of the e-Safety Commissioner is a great place to start
- Model kindness, respect and security in our online spaces. Think carefully about the messages our own use of media and technology sends to our children.
- Talk with our children about family standards of behaviour and privacy. Encourage honesty about how and when they are online and discuss what is helpful and healthy in how we use devices.
- Teach our children when it's right to speak up. Have clear family boundaries for the online world and provide your children with the language to speak up and get help if there is something wrong.
As part of our commitment to having these conversations with our students, we are pleased to have a presentation on online responsibility, legal issues, cyber-bullying and resilience from Victoria Police for all of our Year 7 and 8 students in the coming fortnight.