Heathdale flower 08th August 2019

Getting Off the Bench & Buddying Up

Junior School’s learning programs have ramped up. Native animal incursions and Year 2 Buddy Bench posters have been highlights, with plenty more to come as Book Week approaches.

Heathdale flower

Now a couple of weeks into term, Junior School’s learning programs have ramped up to full throttle and every student is fully engaged at each level.

Our Kinder students enjoyed the animal incursion, able to experience and pet snakes, a cute sugar possum, a koala, even a dingo! They were encouraged to think about protecting our beautiful environment for their own future and enjoyment.

The Junior School assembly last Tuesday was a great way to celebrate the beginning of the term and was led by our most able Year 2 students. The ensemble group included a variety of musical instruments and each student played competently to the audience. It is amazing to think that after only a few short months of learning instruments together and after-school practices, they have all advanced so well. Singing together as a school is very enthusiastic and joyful, and the students were able to sing along to ‘The Fruits of the Spirit’ and ‘The Greatest Commandment’ with actions.

Year 2 introduced us to the ‘rules’ around the newly acquired, Buddy Bench, giving some positive suggestions about its use and how we can assist anyone who may sit there. Some great posters and ideas were presented, such as:

Before going outside to play:
1. Think- What will I like to play, or ask someone to play with you and look around and find others to ask. And you can always go for a walk to find a friend.
2. Be a Friendly Spotter - Look at who might be sitting on the bench - then say, ‘Hello’ or have a chat, invite them to play, and then go and play!
3. Be a kind friend and say - Are you ok? Do you want to play? What do you like to play? I’ll play with you!

These bright and colourful posters are now on display around our school. They remind us of the many ways we can be a thoughtful and helpful friend while always looking for the best positive attributes in one another.

Dress-Up Day

This year for ‘Book Character Dress-Up Day’, Junior School students are invited to come to school dressed up as a book character on Wednesday 21st August.

Students may also bring along one of their favourite books to share with the class. Please remember that simple or part costumes are recommended e.g. a basic costume or distinctive hat. We also request that students select a book character and not a movie or television character. We kindly ask that characters or book themes which may be frightening to young children; such as witches, wizards and ghosts, or those that have a supernatural theme such as fairies and goblins, are avoided. There are many characters that promote positive and fun themes which we would endorse for our young children on this occasion. If you are unsure, please refer to your child’s teacher for some simple and engaging ideas.

We look forward to a fun day of literature and learning!

After School Collection

The safety of our students onsite is one of our highest priorities. We are concerned that some Junior School students are not collected on time and often well after the completion of the school day. The afterschool care provider operates on our site as a service to parents to ensure the safety and well-being of children after school. Parents are kindly asked to inform the school if you are going to be late, and also register your child with Big Childcare so your child can be safely cared for until you arrive. Regular lateness requires many of our staff to leave their own work to care for your child and ring parents or emergency carers to collect them.

Children left on site after school may be taken to Big Childcare and signed in by staff if regular lateness without notice occurs. See www.bigchildcare.com on how to register your child in such an emergency.

JS Music Concert

Over the next few weeks, Mrs Cheong will be running auditions during class lessons for students who wish to perform as a soloist at the JS Music Concert, held on Tuesday 10th September, 1.30-3.00pm. If you think your child might like to audition, please email jnr.enquiries@heathdale.vic.edu.au with the following details by Wednesday 14th August:

1) Name of child
2) Instrument they play
3) Piece they are playing
4) MP3/MP4 backing track (if required)
4) How long they have been learning
5) The name of their instrumental music teacher

Please ensure students come prepared with their tuned musical instrument and musical score for their weekly music lesson so they can audition.

Once we have made our selection, we will inform you whether or not your child has been selected to perform as a soloist. We will aim to provide a wide variety of instruments and ages in the concert, so please don’t be discouraged if your child is not selected. We have a lot of very talented students in the school and we can only fit in a small number of soloists.

Please note that we will not be able to provide accompaniment. If your child needs to have some form of backing, either via a recording or a live pianist, you will need to source this yourself or ask for the help of their instrumental teacher.

Parenting Ideas

Our school subscribes to this parenting resource by subscription. This enables our parents to access parenting information, workshops, online programs and resources that may be relevant to families and children.
You can access a FREE webinar ‘Creating 21st Century Rites of Passage’, speaker Dr Arne Rubinstein, by following these instructions:
1. Click this link: www.parentingideas.com.au/parent-resources/parent-webinars/webinar-creating-21st-century-rites-of-passage
2. Click ‘Add to cart’
3. Click ‘View cart’
4. Enter the voucher code RITES and click ‘Apply Coupon’. Your discount of $37 will be applied to the order. Click ‘Proceed to checkout’
5. Fill in your account details. These are the details you will use to login to your account and access your parenting material
6. Click ‘Place Order’

The Webinar can be accessed on the 28th August at 8:00pm. The voucher is valid until the 28th September.

Important Dates

Tuesday, 17th September – JS Assemblies
Friday, 20th September – Student Free Day (Kinder sessions as normal)
Monday, 7th October – Term 4 students commence
Monday, 4th November & Tuesday,5th November – Heathdale Holiday & Melbourne Cup Holiday (all students)
Friday, 22nd November – Student Free Day (Kinder sessions as normal)
Wednesday, 11th December – Last day for students

Letters Sent Home

22nd July – Yr 1 Homework letter
23rd July – Yr 2 Science letter
23rd July – Yr 1 100 Days of School note
24th July – Yr 3 & 4 Research letter
30th July – Prep-Yr 4 Australian Girls Choir letter
1st August – Prep-Yr 4 Dress Up Day & Book Week letter
7th August – Prep-Yr 4 Book Week incursion letter