I am hoping by now you would have had the opportunity to see the children on the new playground for Years 3-6. Ollie from Big Childcare told me the day it opened that no one even wanted their snacks they just wanted to play on it as soon as possible!
We are so happy with how much the children are enjoying it. I spoke to some Year 3 students this week who said:
“It has so many interesting pieces.”
“It is such fun!”
“It goes so high!”
“Heaps of people can fit on it all at once.”
“I like the bars you can swing on.”
"We are really glad we have it to play on.”
We are hoping that over the past few months, the Years 3-6 students have valued the intentional changes to the playground. We now have 2 ga-ga pits, one of which the students raised some money for themselves, and additional playground pieces. What is also wonderful about the new playground is that if the time comes for it to be moved, it is completely relocatable making it a much more sustainable product.
Recently in the yard, I also saw a couple of entrepreneurs picking up rubbish, sorting the rubbish and then taking the 10c items home to put in the chute to make a bit of pocket money. What warmed my heart about these two boys is that they didn’t only pick up the rubbish that they could make money off; they picked up all the rubbish. Thank you, boys, for helping to keep God’s creation clean.
Big Kids’ Table
Alongside this newsletter we often send out emails from the Primary Werribee office. I have recently sent out one on the school uniform as the weather gets colder, and one on Big Kids’ Table. Thank you to all of the parents who have written in so encouragingly about this initiative. We have over 100 parents so far who have signed up to learn from the organisation, so please look out for that email if you wish to come. I do enjoy hearing from parents, especially when it is something I can pass on to staff to encourage them, so thank you.
Term 2 is a solid term where we can really immerse ourselves in the learning and staff are already starting to think about reports. Please do contact your child’s homeroom teacher if there is anything you are concerned about.