We are excited to have commenced our final chapter with our Year 11s of 2021; after Cup Day, they began their Early Start Year 12 program which sees them officially become Year 12s. They are able to commence their Unit 3 & 4 studies in November, ensuring that they get close to a full calendar year of teaching in their chosen Year 12 studies.
It’s been exciting for our new Year 12 cohort to receive their textbooks and study designs and begin to embark on the big adventure! They’ve also been finalising their Year 12 jacket design and getting used to their new timetables and routines.
Last Friday, our new Year 12s participated in the Fit to Drive program. This program is a Vic Roads and Transport Accident Commission initiative designed to improve road safety for our most vulnerable drivers: our teenage drivers. In preparation and support for our students growing independence as drivers on the roads, Victoria Police and Fire Rescue Victoria members worked with our students in a series of lectures and smaller group sessions to look at the risks and the responsibilities of being a road user.
I know they will be looking forward to taking over the Year 12 Common Room in February and going for their study skills camp early in the new year. Congratulations on reaching Year 12, Class of 2022! Please keep them in your prayers as they begin their final year, and our Class of 2021 who still have a week of exams left to go.