Heathdale flower 20th June 2024

Dispositions & Talents

Join us in celebrating the transformation of natural dispositions into remarkable talents, as showcased by our Year 11 artists at the Imago Dei Prize exhibition, alongside our Years 5-6 T-Ball success and various campus-wide community service initiatives.

Heathdale flower

At Heathdale we speak of dispositions. By this we mean a natural orientation towards something. This orientation is a natural part of our personhood and outlook on life. For example, we begin liking the beach and the surf, and after many visits, we can announce, “I am a beach person!”

Education is about discovering those dispositions, those tendencies, and turning them into habits and talents.

On Tuesday evening this week our Year 11 artists exhibited portrait studies for the Imago Dei ('image of God’) exhibition. The works were of exceptional quality. What once began as a disposition for drawing and colouring has been fashioned, over years of discipline, learning and perseverance, into talent. I congratulate Lily A, Anushka C, Grace C, Isaac F, Sehajvir G, Natasha L, Georgia L, Natania M, and Davina V on the quality of their portraits.

While we celebrate all we acknowledge the winners of awards of the night:

Lily A – The Imago Dei Prize
Davina V – The Artelier Award
Natasha L – The People’s Choice Award

I thank all members of the community who attended the evening for making the time to join us in recognising the achievement of these students. We were delighted to welcome to the evening Cr Sophie Ramsey, Councillor for Coburn Ward, and Electoral Officer Kaylee Smith, representing Steve McGhie MP, the State Member of Melton, and Victoria Gatt from the Board of Heathdale Christian School.

We have also had further of other successes and initiatives in recent days where students are fostering their talent. Our Melton Year 5 and 6 T-Ball team has successfully defended the premiership title in consecutive years, and has done so again in 2024. Congratulations to Lemuel K, Sharav T, Cody I, Vivaan D, Raag S, Aarian B, Yuvraj K, Tyson P, and Lovepreet B.

Our students are also fashioning their talents in community service and citizenship with initiatives being planned for supporting the Combined Churches Caring Melton food program through Silly Sock Day, Year 6 are establishing a program of visits to support a local childcare centre, a Year 5 class are establishing an initiative in sustainable gardening, Year 4 have developed a worm farm project, and the collective student leadership of our campus are planning a forthcoming Belonging Day. These are exciting events and achievements that highlight that student growth and voice are prospering.

I wish to close by wishing all our community a safe and relaxing break from school in the coming holidays.