Don’t you love a good book? Better still, some time to read one uninterrupted in a quiet, peaceful place. On those rare occasions, I’ve been working my way through Ken Sande’s book titled, ‘The Peacemaker’. It sets out a comprehensive, biblical response to conflict resolution that is used in many international settings as well as small groups and schools.
It’s a fascinating read, and shed light on a couple of pertinent points when it comes to settling conflict. Few of us ever realise the intense negotiations at the table of international relations. Often these negotiations give everyone a little of what they want and compromise on what is not possible for a solution.
But Jesus showed us a better way in John 16:33. He states that in the world, or in the world’s economy, we will experience difficulty at times. He tells us not to be surprised at this. In fact, he tells us to be cheerful, to be ready to pray for those who oppose us and even give others the very shirt off our back. Jesus’ way is always better than what we could devise. Romans 12:8 reminds us that, ‘If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone’. A high benchmark, and one that needs practice and careful thought.
While Sande’s book does outline some focused steps that we may need to seek peace. However, this is not a systematic guide to always getting your own way; if anything, God’s path shows us that peace isn’t selfish.
Jesus demonstrated this selflessness for us, and was known as the Prince of Peace. He came to show a better way to live; a life of peace. It didn’t stop there. His plan was to give us the way to a peace unknown by the world; a peace that passes all understanding.
At Heathdale, we’ve been practising peace through the Peacewise Kids program. It’s used to help students respond in a positive way as they navigate conflicts. What a blessing that our children can engage in positive and productive discussion and find solutions. Blessed be the peacemakers. Our students will be well-placed in the future to discern the best way forward to bring about good, noble, and honourable solutions.
May you know the Lord’s great mercy and His peace over these coming holidays. We pray for safe travel and look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday, October 7.