Well, it has come to the final week of Semester One and I am praying you all have something lovely to look forward to in the holidays. I pray borders will open so those of you wishing to holiday or see loved ones will be able to.
I always feel Term 2 is a tricky term, the Winter days are long and cold, and the children can get tired over the term. As always, however, Heathdale students have met the term with their usual enthusiasm. Reports and Parent Teacher interviews are upon us and hopefully you will be able to speak to your child’s teachers about any concerns regarding learning. Three weeks of school holidays creates an idea time to have a rest and catch up on that reading or maths that your child might need an extra bit of help with.
In the Primary school this year, we have taken on a program called Peacewise. A peacemaker is equipped to bring peace to conflict, restoration to damaged relationships and the hope of Jesus in difficult situations. PeaceWiseKids is a Christian program that equips young people to deal with challenging relationships and conflict in healthy, constructive and life-changing ways. The aim is to help students have better relationships and resolve conflict in a healthy way.
The Peacewise program is discussed in every assembly and in CLS and Homeroom, and is having quite the transformative effect in our language and success at students being able to stay on top of any conflict. As with all education it is helpful if you, as parents, are aware of this program and can use the same language at home, so here is a little taster. Further information can be discussed with your Homeroom teacher, Pastoral care or at the website https://peacewise.org.au/peacewisekids/
I pray you will have a peace filled holiday and look forward to seeing you all in Term 3.