Next week, our Year 3-6 students will be hearing a presentation from the Bible Society Australia. The Bible Society exists to impact and influence Australia and the world by opening the Bible to all people everywhere by all means possible. In past years, our Primary school has raised funds for the mission to assist and bless children in other countries with Bibles. Funds that are raised this year will be going to the Central American country of Nicaragua to support families and children who are impacted by cancer. These families will be provided with pastoral support and a Bible.
Fundraisers are an opportunity for students to be active in their support of others and help to promote joy in other’s lives. Lara Nelson was one of our students who sadly passed away last year with cancer, and she was keen to support the Bible Society whose aim is to promote life in Jesus and share the gospel with the world.
All College community members are welcome to gift a donation to this worthy cause for families overseas. Donations may go directly to the Bible Society website or to your child’s teacher or to the Primary Office. Thank you for your prayers and support for this special remembrance event.
This fundraiser will be occurring on Wednesday 24th November and in memory of Lara, we would ask that students wear the colour aqua or purple and to bring a gold coin to donate to the ministry.
For more information, please visit