Heathdale flower 21st July 2023

Back From Winter Break

Welcome to Term 3! We started with Parent Teacher Conversations and look forward to our upcoming events related to starting Senior School in 2024, including Year 11 subject offerings.

Heathdale flower

Welcome back! It has been simply wonderful to have the buzz of the students at the College this week after our winter break. It is also very much a warm welcome to our new families and five new students joining the Melton campus this term. It is my hope that all enjoy a wonderful term of learning.

Senior School in 2024

As we progress toward offering Year 11 in 2024, this term there are a number of events related to our 2024 Senior School subject offerings. Next week, for example, our Year 10 class will be involved in a Careers Week with students from the Werribee campus. Additionally, there will be a VCE Information Night on Wednesday August 9, where students get the opportunity to choose their Year 11 subjects. Both the Careers Program and the VCE Information Night are important opportunities for the continuing conversations that are held to assist our students in working through their post-compulsory schooling options and the subjects that can assist them as they consider their options.

Parent Teacher Conversations

On Wednesday and Thursday of this first week of term, we held Parent Teacher Conversations for Primary and Secondary families. Thank you to all who were able to attend. It is always good to be able to engage in meaningful conversations to support the learning of the students. Please know that if you were not able to attend on the night, you can email the individual teacher, who will make a time to get into contact with you.

PD Week

Finally, one of the questions that can be asked by those who are new to our community is, “why do we have a longer winter break?” Heathdale Christian College has a week at the start of the year and another in the middle of the year where the staff come together for a number of sessions, connecting around who we are as a community and the professional learning that is foundational to our practice. Within these weeks, time is put aside to reinforce our Christian College identity, an identity that is grounded in the biblical story. To regularly do this is fundamental if we are going to remain mission-true in our College culture and practice. Among the other elements of such weeks are the varied professional learning requirements that are very much a part of school life, and curriculum planning.

It is my hope that all have a wonderful term.