“On Monday, 20th May, our Economics cohort embarked on an enlightening excursion, starting with a visit to the National Australia Bank (NAB). The day kicked off with a captivating lecture from one of NAB's senior economists, who provided an in-depth analysis of the federal budget. This session helped to explain concepts regarding the new Australian federal budget and illustrated the practical implications of fiscal policy decisions.
We joined the lecture with another school, Kingswood College, of which Heathdale’s Jordan F. (Year 11) was one of the winners of the multiple-choice quiz, 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire’.
Following the lecture, we participated in an engaging presentation with the Careers in Banking department. Through interactive activities, we gained valuable insights into the diverse career opportunities within the banking sector. This was followed by a comprehensive tour of NAB’s state-of-the-art building, giving us a glimpse into the dynamic work environment of a leading financial institution.
One of the highlights of the day was a presentation by a Visa product owner, who explained the intricate workings of credit and debit cards. This session shed light on the technological and strategic aspects of banking products, enhancing our understanding of everyday financial tools.
In the afternoon, we visited the Treasury, where we had the unique opportunity to tour the main office department and interact with professionals from the different fields. Business analysts, econometric scientists, lawyers and macro policymakers shared their experiences and insights on working for the government. Each session was eye-opening, revealing the diverse roles and responsibilities within the Treasury and the significant impact of their work on our country’s national economic policies.
This excursion was an incredible experience, offering a practical perspective on the theoretical knowledge we gain in class. It not only broadened our understanding of economics and finance but also inspired many of us to consider careers in these dynamic fields. The firsthand experience in hearing what these professionals do and seeing their work environments was both educational and motivating, leaving us with a deeper appreciation for the complexities of economics and the vast opportunities it offers.”
Daksh S. (Year 12)