It has been very encouraging to see the enthusiasm for the College over the past month. We have had many opportunities to be creative, including Science Week and Book Week. As we journey through this year, it is fabulous to have these opportunities and reminders of the creativity of this Christian school community.
On Tuesday night, we held the first Heathdale Christian College Melton Campus Year 9 & 10 Subject Information Evening. It was wonderful to have so many parents and students in attendance as we discussed Years 9 and 10 in 2023. On the night, Mr Grace highlighted the milestone Melton has reached as he discussed the opportunities we are looking to provide our students as we partner with families in Christian schooling. Mr Kopitschinski then spoke about how we are working to support the students in our growing Secondary school.
After these leaders shared, I was able to speak about one of our current building projects at the Melton campus, our Year 9 and 10 classroom block. This four-classroom building will be similar to our other flexible Secondary learning spaces, in that each classroom will include a space for explicit teaching, as well as an area where students can work in groups as they collaborate on projects. In the middle of this block will be an inviting landscaped courtyard.
A key feature of the night was highlighting that from 2023, students in both Years 9 and 10 will undertake five elective subjects. Students will able be to study either French or an academic alternative, plus a number of subjects which are part of our Arts/Technology elective blocks. These subjects will be semester based, with two electives each semester. Before this newsletter has been published, students would have received an e-mail that includes the Year 9/10 Subject Handbook, as well as instructions on how to select subjects.
With respect to subject choice, an important element of the evening was hearing from Mrs Vicky Bawden, the Student Pathways Coordinator. Students in Year 10 will have a Careers class, which we believe will be helpful for them as they reflect on their passions and strengths, consider subjects and career options and learn about opportunities for further learning. Thank you to all families who were able to attend and to all staff who contributed to the evening.
Finally, I would encourage all families to continue to uphold the College in prayer for the remainder of this term. While we are very much invested in the now, we are also interviewing new families, seeking additional staff and organising the 2023 program.