Heathdale flower 23rd May 2019

Junior School Jottings #8

All the main dates for the rest of the year, and don't forget to hand in your Earn & Learn stickers. It really helps.

Heathdale flower

Our Year 3 students are to be commended for the wonderful way they have participated during the NAPLAN tests this past fortnight. Students have moved in and out of supervised spaces to access online tests under careful guidelines. I am pleased to report that this process has gone particularly well and every student has done their best to complete tasks in the timeframes given. 

We hope our students understand that often the journey rather than the destination is valuable for building skills and learning. Students have been calm and steady throughout and each has seen that this first round of national testing was indeed a new learning experience. Well done to our Year 3 students for your cooperation. 

A reminder to parents to check your emails for correspondence from school on a regular basis. If you are not receiving correspondence by email, we may not have your latest details. Please update this at your earliest convenience to ensure you do not miss important information. 

We are noticing various versions of the College uniform being worn. I remind parents that the only leggings permissible for girls to wear are the blue winter tights with the winter tunic. No tights should be worn with the PE or summer uniform. Also no bangles, wrist and neck amulets or necklaces should be worn and visible with the uniform. A warm coat, preferably the duffle or japara, is permissible for students until we hear from our suppliers that their coat supply has been replenished. Parents are asked to check the website for clarification of uniform items. 

Our next fortnightly parent prayer time is at 8.40am on Monday 27th May in the JS Office. 

Please come along and be part of our regular prayer of thankfulness and petition for our students, families and staff. 

“We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.”
2 Thessalonians 1:3

Earn & Learn

Thank you to the families who have been collecting the Earn & Learn stickers from Woolworths. Please continue to forward stickers and sticker sheets to the Junior School Office. The College has received free equipment in the past through this promotion so the more stickers we receive, the more school equipment we can be blessed with!

Parent Teacher Interviews

Information will be distributed shortly regarding teacher requested parent teacher interviews which will coincide with Semester 1 reports. Reports will be distributed on Monday 24th June. Parent teacher interviews are by teacher invitation or parent request and will be held on Wednesday 26th & Thursday 27th June in the Resource Centre. 
Student Free Day

Please note an additional student free day has been allocated on Friday 20th September to allow teaching staff the opportunity for curriculum planning.

Reading Roster

Additional reading volunteers would be warmly welcomed. Please contact the Junior School Office for further details regarding the roster. Our next Parents as Partners training will be on Tuesday 30th July. This training is a wonderful time to hear about the strategies we use to help our students progress in their reading and comprehension, and to enjoy the learning experience. If you are currently on the roster, it would be wonderful if you are able to continue until the end of the year. The students always look forward to reading each morning. We have several classes needing more helpers for Semester 2.
Thank you to all our parent helpers who assist our students with reading each week. Your commitment to this program is very much appreciated and of significant value to the children in helping to improve their skills, fluency and understanding of reading texts.

Term Dates & Student Free Days

Term 2

Friday 7th June – Student Free Day (Kinder sessions as normal)
Monday 10th June – Queen’s Birthday Holiday
Friday 28th June – Last day of Term 2

Term 3

Monday 22nd July – Students commence Term 3
Tuesday 30th July – JS Assemblies
Friday 20th September – Student Free Day

Term 4

Monday 7th October – Students commence Term 4
Monday 4th November & Tuesday 5th November – Heathdale Holiday & Melbourne Cup Holiday (all students)
Friday 22nd November – Student Free Day (Kinder sessions as normal)
Wednesday 11th December – Last day for students

Letters Sent Home

10th May – Junior Journal (Kinder-Yr 4)
13th May – Class letter (2C)
16th May – Nutrition incursion note (Year 1)
22nd May – History incursion note (Year 4)