Welcome to Term 2! I trust you have all had a well-earned Easter break with your families. I am hoping the children were full of joy following all the fun Easter activities we had and could talk about Jesus dying on the cross for the world and rising again.
At the end of last term, we experimented with a hybrid version of Parent Teacher Interviews. Parents had the choice of whether to come in-person to meet teachers or whether to have their interviews online as we did during stricter Covid times. We had a split of about 20:80 across the College. If you have any comment on the hybrid version of Parent Teacher Interviews or indeed any comments around how to improve our parent partnership on these nights, please email werribeeprimary@heathdale.vic.edu.au and your comments will be passed on to myself for review.
In some exciting news, we finally have our ‘Keeping God’s Creation Clean’ program starting next week! This is where each class is given two vests, two buckets and two really cool rubbish grabbers to help keep our environment spotless. The tools are such fun to use that we don’t use this as any form of punishment, but rather an enjoyable activity – most recess times, I can be seen using the tools as a bit of relaxation. I am hoping we will be able to roll this out from next week and you can ask your children about Mrs Harvey’s rubbish campaign!
Term 2 is historically a busy one in the life of schools and this term sees NAPLAN testing and many exciting activities for students to enjoy. We are heading into winter, which means students can be prone to getting a little more tired, so I would like to encourage you to create healthy routines with your little ones. If you are anything like me, school holidays mean staying up a little bit later with the children and lying in bed a little bit longer.
As the Principal, every day I observe a class in devotions for the first 20 mins of the day, and what I have observed is that in each class, every day around 9am students arrive after the bell. We all know how hard it can be to get out of the door in the morning, and traffic is the enemy! If it is at all possible, please can everyone possibly leave a few minutes earlier so that this special time of devotions is uninterrupted for the children and that everyone is on time.
We look forward to a wonderful Term 2 together!