Heathdale flower 10th December 2021

A Joyful End

A final article from our Principal of Primary - Werribee, Lyn Moffet, reflecting on the year in gratitude and looking forward to 2022.

Heathdale flower

It has been a joyful week of end of year celebrations for our Kindergarten and Primary students and all staff. We are very thankful that we have been able to celebrate together the momentous conclusion of a huge year of learning, adjustments and then readjustments. Our students are all ready for a time of rest, before they return in 2022 to their new classrooms, teachers and year levels.

As we look back, we are very thankful that we see students who have tried their best, who have focused on their own learning goal and are ready to have this much needed break. Our staff have worked diligently to help each of our students maximise student engagement, each working within teams to support students and families. Parents, thank you for your valued contribution in helping and encouraging your child at home. We are very grateful and understand the commitment this has required.

This year we have seen our school continue to develop and grow and as a Christian faith-based community, we are very thankful that God has faithfully provided just what we needed, each step of the way, and at just the right time.

New students, new families, new buildings, new teachers, and even a new Principal of Primary at Werribee for 2022, all provided at just the right time! This year, we have witnessed that our God helps us each step of the way as we continue to trust in him.

At our final school assemblies this week, we have remembered the gift of God’s love to us in Jesus, the Saviour of the world. This gift of God’s grace to us shown in biblical stories and truths that remain a constant encouragement for all of us today and for the future.

I pray you will know the love of God this Christmas in your homes and in your family, as we finalise the year and once more celebrate our Saviour Jesus, God’s gift to the world.

'For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.' (Isaiah 9:6)